Results for 'Marilyn J. Hammer'

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  1.  13
    And (In)Justice for All: Disparities in Oncology Research.Marilyn J. Hammer & Rachel Pozzar - 2020 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 11 (1):95-107.
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    Health services research: an expanding field of inquiry.Marilyn J. Held PhD & Kathleen N. Lohr PhD - 1995 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1 (1):61-65.
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    The Final Days: The Development of Argumentative Discourse in the Soviet Union.Marilyn J. Young & Michael K. Launer - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (4):443-458.
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  4. How people die in the United States.Marilyn J. Field - 2009 - In James L. Werth & Dean Blevins, Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions. New York: Routledge.
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    Seeking "Right Relations".Marilyn J. Legge - 2002 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 22:27-47.
    What moral and spiritual resources do churches have to open space for transforming and making new relations with and among Aboriginal communities? What values best express justice and are cross-culturally appropriate? Who decides on the terms and how? When are moral agency and responsibility aptly configured within unevenly structured relations of power? With special attention to the United Church of Canada and to voices of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women, I explore elements of an ethical framework in dialogue with the Royal (...)
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  6. Halliburton : cementing wells and relationships.Marilyn J. Matelski - 2015 - In Jonathan H. Westover, Teaching organizational and business ethics. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing.
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    Persistent Plant Viruses: Molecular Hitchhikers or Epigenetic Elements?Marilyn J. Roossinck - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther, Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 177--186.
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    Remapping the University: The Promise of Women's Studies Ph.D.Marilyn J. Boxer - 1998 - Feminist Studies 24 (2):387.
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    The Grace of Difference: A Canadian Feminist Theological Ethic.Marilyn J. Legge - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Marion J. Legge addresses theological ethics from the context of Canadian women -- especially the experience of marginalized women in Canada. Beginning with a critical reassessment of Canadian Radical Christianity, she argues that approches that center on question of economic justice have nevertheless overlooked the day-to-day economic realities of Canadian women. Legge develops a reformulated critical theory of culture that, though it emphasizes difference, avoids premature abstraction and misplaced generalizations. She seeks a voice to articulate the theological and ethical dimensions (...)
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    (1 other version)Rebecca Rogers, From the Salon to the Schoolroom: Educating Bourgeois Girls in Nineteenth-Century France.Marilyn J. Boxer - 2010 - Clio 32:281-283.
    Le livre de Rebecca Rogers From the Salon to the Schoolroom ouvre pour les lecteurs une voie d’entrée érudite à tout ce que les historiens nous ont appris sur la vie des femmes françaises depuis deux siècles. Alors que l’ouvrage en anglais de cette étude fouillée rappelle aux lecteurs anglophones l’influence importante de la pédagogie française dans les écoles britanniques et nord-américaines, la version française souligne le rôle joué par les pensionnats privés dans l’éducation des femmes en...
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    The integral feminist: Madeleine Pelletier, 1874–1939: Feminism, socialism and medicine.Marilyn J. Boxer - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (3):421-438.
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    Effects of amount of training on type of solution and breadth of learning in optional shifts.Bryan E. Shepp & Marilyn J. Adams - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):63.
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    Doing Ethics in a Pluralistic World: Essays in Honour of Roger C. Hutchinson.Phyllis D. Airhart, Marilyn J. Legge & Gary L. Redcliffe (eds.) - 2002 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    Doing Ethics in a Pluralistic World is an apt title for this collection of essays in honour of Roger C. Hutchinson who, over many decades, has encouraged and participated in shaping a Canadian contextual social ethics. His abiding interest in social ethics and in religious engagement with public issues is reflected in his life’s work — seeking the consensus and self-knowledge required to achieve cooperation in the search for a just, participatory, and sustainable society. One of Roger Hutchinson’s many notable (...)
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    Value measurement and existential wholeness: A critique of the rokeachean approach to value research. [REVIEW]Michael J. Zenzen & Louis Z. Hammer - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (2):142-156.
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    Swimming Upstream: Taking Risks as a Woman Living with TBI.Judy Panko Reis & Marilyn J. Martin - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (2):162-170.
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    Responses to snakes by surrogate- and mother-reared squirrel monkeys.Douglas K. Huebner, James L. Lentz, Marilyn J. Wooley & James E. King - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):33-36.
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    Early family context and development of adolescent ruminative style: Moderation by temperament.Lori M. Hilt, Jeffrey M. Armstrong & Marilyn J. Essex - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):916-926.
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    The Role of Public Argument in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of the 12 December 1993 Elections in the Russian Federation. [REVIEW]David Cratis Williams, John T. Ishiyama, Marilyn J. Young & Michael K. Launer - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (2):179-194.
    The authors argue that in the 1993 Duma elections it was the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by Gennady Zyuganov, that incorporated rhetorical values and audience adaptation into its campaign strategy. Finding its discursive ground limited by history, the CPRF gradually shifted its rhetorical posture and argumentative strategies, redefining itself in the process. This evolution allowed the CPRF to employ the ideographs of ’democracy‘, ‘will of the people‘, ’citizen‘, and other key terms of Western-style democracy, while retaining, albeit (...)
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    The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition of the Texts from the Judean Desert, Vol. 1 [The Microfiches]The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition of the Texts from the Judean Desert, Vol. 2: Companion VolumeThe Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition of the Texts from the Judean Desert, Vol. 3: Inventory List of PhotographsThe Dead Sea Scrolls Catalogue: Documents, Photographs, and Museum Inventory Numbers. [REVIEW]Stephen A. Kaufman, Emanuel Tov, Stephen A. Reed & Marilyn J. Lundberg - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):549.
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    C/D-box snoRNAs form methylating and non-methylating ribonucleoprotein complexes: Old dogs show new tricks.Marina Falaleeva, Justin R. Welden, Marilyn J. Duncan & Stefan Stamm - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (6):1600264.
    C/D box snoRNAs (SNORDs) are an abundantly expressed class of short, non‐coding RNAs that have been long known to perform 2′‐O‐methylation of rRNAs. However, approximately half of human SNORDs have no predictable rRNA targets, and numerous SNORDs have been associated with diseases that show no defects in rRNAs, among them Prader‐Willi syndrome, Duplication 15q syndrome and cancer. This apparent discrepancy has been addressed by recent studies showing that SNORDs can act to regulate pre‐mRNA alternative splicing, mRNA abundance, activate enzymes, and (...)
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    Varieties of Aesthetic ExperienceA Field Guide to the Aesthetic Experience.Marilyn Johnston, Earle J. Coleman & Jerry Farber - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (3):125.
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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    The Role of the Left Anterior Temporal Lobe for Unpredictable and Complex Mappings in Word Reading.Marilyne Joyal, Simona M. Brambati, Robert J. Laforce, Maxime Montembeault, Mariem Boukadi, Isabelle Rouleau, Joël Macoir, Sven Joubert, Shirley Fecteau & Maximiliano A. Wilson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  24. Book reviews-a dame full of vigor; a biography of Alice Middleton Boring: Biologist in china.Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, Clifford J. Choquette & Nancy G. Slack - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):435-435.
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    Generation and evaluation of user tailored responses in multimodal dialogue.Marilyn Walker, S. Whittaker, A. Stent, P. Maloor, J. Moore, M. Johnston & G. Vasireddy - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (5):811-840.
    When people engage in conversation, they tailor their utterances to their conversational partners, whether these partners are other humans or computational systems. This tailoring, or adaptation to the partner takes place in all facets of human language use, and is based on a mental model or a user model of the conversational partner. Such adaptation has been shown to improve listeners' comprehension, their satisfaction with an interactive system, the efficiency with which they execute conversational tasks, and the likelihood of achieving (...)
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  26. de Rijke, M., 109 Di Maio, MC, 435 Doria, FA, 553 French, S., 603.E. M. Hammer, J. Hawthorne, M. Kracht, E. Martino, J. M. Mendez, R. K. Meyer, L. S. Moss, A. Tzouvaras, J. van Benthem & F. Wolter - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (661).
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    Perceptions of healthy eating in four Alberta communities: a photovoice project.Brent A. Hammer, Helen Vallianatos, Candace I. J. Nykiforuk & Laura M. Nieuwendyk - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):649-662.
    Peoples’ perceptions of healthy eating are influenced by the cultural context in which they occur. Despite this general acceptance by health practitioners and social scientists, studies suggest that there remains a relative homogeneity around peoples’ perceptions that informs a hegemonic discourse around healthy eating. People often describe healthy eating in terms of learned information from sources that reflect societies’ norms and values, such as the Canada Food Guide and the ubiquitous phrase “fruits and vegetables”. Past research has examined how built (...)
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    Viruses, Fungi and Plants: Cross-Kingdom Communication and Mutualism.Rusty J. Rodriguez & Marilyn Roossinck - 2012 - In Guenther Witzany, Biocommunication of Fungi. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 219--227.
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    Telling the Patient's Story: using theatre training to improve case presentation skills.Rachel R. Hammer, Johanna D. Rian, Jeremy K. Gregory, J. Michael Bostwick, Candace Barrett Birk, Louise Chalfant, Paul D. Scanlon & Daniel K. Hall-Flavin - 2011 - Medical Humanities 37 (1):18-22.
    A medical student's ability to present a case history is a critical skill that is difficult to teach. Case histories presented without theatrical engagement may fail to catch the attention of their intended recipients. More engaging presentations incorporate ‘stage presence’, eye contact, vocal inflection, interesting detail and succinct, well organised performances. They convey stories effectively without wasting time. To address the didactic challenge for instructing future doctors in how to ‘act’, the Mayo Medical School and The Mayo Clinic Center for (...)
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  30. Specific needs of the male adult.W. J. Wayne Skinner, Marilyn White-Campbell & Carl A. Kent - 2019 - In David B. Cooper & Jo Cooper, Palliative care within mental health. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Media and Behavioral Genetics: Alternatives Coexisting with Addiction Genetics.Barbara A. Koenig, Rachel Hammer, Jennifer B. McCormick, Jenny Ostergren & Molly J. Dingel - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (4):459-486.
    To understand public discourse in the United States on genetic causation of behavioral disorders, we analyzed media representations of genetic research on addiction published between 1990 and 2010. We conclude first that the media simplistically represent biological bases of addiction and willpower as being mutually exclusive: behaviors are either genetically determined, or they are a choice. Second, most articles provide only cursory or no treatment of the environmental contribution. A media focus on genetics directs attention away from environmental factors. Rhetorically, (...)
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    Ethics and the Praise of DiversityWorkforce America! Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource.Leonard J. Weber, Marilyn Loden & Judy B. Rosener - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (1):87.
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  33. The Struggle for Indochina 1940-1955.E. H. S. & Ellen J. Hammer - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):218.
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  34. Science vocabulary knowledge of third and fifth grade students.Maria J. Meyerson, Marilyn Sue Ford, W. Paul Jones & Mary Ann Ward - 1991 - Science Education 75 (4):419-428.
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    Smoking, social traps, and futuristics.Robert J. Weber, Marilyn Mallue & Joe Conner - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):251-253.
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    Portraits of American Philosophy.Nicholas Wolterstorff, Richard J. Bernstein, Marilyn McCord Adams & Claudia Card - 2013 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Portraits of American Philosophy, eight of America’s most prominent philosophers offer autobiographical narratives that remind us that the life of a scholar is both a tale of personal struggle and an adventure in ideas.
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    Duties When an Anonymous Student Health Survey Finds a Hot Spot of Suicidality.Arnold H. Levinson, M. Franci Crepeau-Hobson, Marilyn E. Coors, Jacqueline J. Glover, Daniel S. Goldberg & Matthew K. Wynia - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):50-60.
    Public health agencies regularly survey randomly selected anonymous students to track drug use, sexual activities, and other risk behaviors. Students are unidentifiable, but a recent project that i...
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    Alternatives to project-specific consent for access to personal information for health research: Insights from a public dialogue.Donald J. Willison, Marilyn Swinton, Lisa Schwartz, Julia Abelson, Cathy Charles, David Northrup, Ji Cheng & Lehana Thabane - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):18-.
    BackgroundThe role of consent for research use of health information is contentious. Most discussion has focused on when project-specific consent may be waived but, recently, a broader range of consent options has been entertained, including broad opt-in for multiple studies with restrictions and notification with opt-out. We sought to elicit public values in this matter and to work toward an agreement about a common approach to consent for use of personal information for health research through deliberative public dialogues.MethodsWe conducted seven (...)
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    Robert J. antonlo.Theorlzlng Wlth A. Hammer - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer, Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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    Encoding processes for recall and recognition: The effect of instructions and auxiliary task performance.Stephen A. Maisto, Richard J. Dewaard & Marilyn E. Miller - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):127-130.
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    Informed Consent among Clinical Trial Participants with Different Cancer Diagnoses.Connie M. Ulrich, Sarah J. Ratcliffe, Camille J. Hochheimer, Qiuping Zhou, Liming Huang, Thomas Gordon, Kathleen Knafl, Therese Richmond, Marilyn M. Schapira, Victoria Miller, Jun J. Mao, Mary Naylor & Christine Grady - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (3):165-177.
    Importance Informed consent is essential to ethical, rigorous research and is important to recruitment and retention in cancer trials.Objective To examine cancer clinical trial (CCT) participants’ perceptions of informed consent processes and variations in perceptions by cancer type.Design and Setting and Participants Cross-sectional survey from mixed-methods study at National Cancer Institute–designated Northeast comprehensive cancer center. Open-ended and forced-choice items addressed: (1) enrollment and informed consent experiences and (2) decision-making processes, including risk-benefit assessment. Eligibility: CCT participant with gastro-intestinal or genitourinary, hematologic-lymphatic (...)
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  42. 1. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-iii).Randall E. Auxier, Shane J. Ralston, Randy L. Friedman, Michael Futch, Tadd Ruetenik, István Aranyosi & Marilyn Fischer - 2012 - The Pluralist 7 (1).
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    (1 other version)An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy: Conversations Between Men and Women Philosophers.Therese Boos Dykeman, Eve Browning, Judith Chelius Stark, Jane Duran, Marilyn Fischer, Lois Frankel, Edward Fullbrook, Jo Ellen Jacobs, Vicki Harper, Joy Laine, Kate Lindemann, Elizabeth Minnich, Andrea Nye, Margaret Simons, Audun Solli, Catherine Villanueva Gardner, Mary Ellen Waithe, Karen J. Warren & Henry West (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a unique, groundbreaking study in the history of philosophy, combining leading men and women philosophers across 2600 years of Western philosophy, covering key foundational topics, including epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. Introductory essays, primary source readings, and commentaries comprise each chapter to offer a rich and accessible introduction to and evaluation of these vital philosophical contributions. A helpful appendix canvasses an extraordinary number of women philosophers throughout history for further discovery and study.
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    American Women in Science: 1950 to the Present: A Biographical Dictionary. Martha J. Bailey.Marilyn Ogilvie - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):249-249.
  45. (1 other version)Nancy J. Hirschmann on the social construction of women's freedom.Marilyn Friedman - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):182-191.
    : Nancy J. Hirschmann presents a feminist, social constructionist account of women's freedom. Friedman's discussion of Hirschmann's account deals with (1) some conceptual problems facing a thoroughgoing social constructionism; (2) three ways to modify social constructionism to avoid those problems; and (3) an assessment of Hirschmann's version of social constructionism in light of the previous discussion.
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  46. Universal Salvation: A Reply to Mr Bettis.Marilyn Mccord Adams - 1971 - Religious Studies 7 (3):245 - 249.
    In his article ‘A Critique of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation’, J. D. Bettis criticises the argument that all men will be saved because ‘God's love is both absolutely good and absolutely sovereign’ . I would like to argue that either some of Bettis's criticisms are confused, or else that he is not using ‘love’ in anything like its ordinary sense. I will not attempt a full defence of universalism here, however. In particular, I will not try to defend it (...)
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  47. The Problem of evil.Marilyn McCord Adams & Robert Merrihew Adams (eds.) - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of evil is one of the most discussed topics in the philosophy of religion. For some time, however, there has been a need for a collection of readings that adequately represents recent and ongoing writing on the topic. This volume fills that need, offering the most up-to-date collection of recent scholarship on the problem of evil. The distinguished contributors include J.L. Mackie, Nelson Pike, Roderick M. Chisholm, Terence Penelhum, Alvin Plantinga, William L. Rowe, Stephen J. Wykstra, John Hick, (...)
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  48. Museum Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century.Robert R. Archibald, Patrick J. Boylan, David Carr, Christy S. Coleman, Helen Coxall, Chuck Dailey, Jennifer Eichstedt, Hilde Hein, Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Lesley Lewis, Timothy W. Luke, Didier Maleuvre, Suma Mallavarapu, Terry L. Maple, Michael A. Mares, Jennifer L. Martin, Jean-Paul Martinon, Scott G. Paris, Jeffrey H. Patchen, Marilyn E. Phelan, Donald Preziosi, Franklin W. Robinson, Douglas Sharon & Sherene Suchy - 2006 - Altamira Press.
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    The Oxytocin Receptor Gene Variant rs53576 Is Not Related to Emotional Traits or States in Young Adults.Tamlin S. Conner, Karma G. McFarlane, Maria Choukri, Benjamin C. Riordan, Jayde A. M. Flett, Amanda J. Phipps-Green, Ruth K. Topless, Marilyn E. Merriman & Tony R. Merriman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reception of greek epigram. G. Nisbet greek epigram in reception. J.A. Symonds, Oscar Wilde, and the invention of desire, 1805–1929. Pp. VIII + 389. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2013. Cased, £80, us$125. Isbn: 978-0-19-966249-4. [REVIEW]Marilyn Bisch - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):284-285.
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